Friday, May 1, 2009
My Craigslist Find
I think it's been about 4 years since we decided to tear out the coat closet in the foyer to make more room for guests entering the house. So for 4 years now we have been throwing coats on the end of the couch in the living room while I searched everywhere I could think of for a solution that fit our needs and our style. Last Friday, while searching CraigsList for something else I came across a great coat tree and immediately contacted the seller who said the piece was still available and he would hold it for me. WooHoo! It's made of a dark, really solid wood that matches the furniture in the living room perfectly. I love that it has a little bit of character. Here it is, my CraigsList find for $50:

Here was the foyer before (with the coat closet). The space was so tiny it was difficult to get a good picture:


And After:

Here was the foyer before (with the coat closet). The space was so tiny it was difficult to get a good picture:
And After: