Post created 12.28.09
Pregnancy Quiz
How far along? 10 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +0 lbs
Maternity clothes? no
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: waking up in the middle of the night starving and thirsty
Best moment this week:
Movement: no
Food cravings: Im obsessed with food. Once I get something in my head I have to have it.
Gender: ??
Labor Signs: no
Belly Button in or out? in
What I miss: sushi, blue cheese
What I am looking forward to: finding out the gender
Other Updates: We're telling Jeffs family on xmas!!! Cant wait!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Feeling Blah and Cat Naps
Written Dec 4, 2009
I haven't had morning sickness but I have been feeling kind of yucky. I dont know how else to explain it. It seems to get worse when I don't eat so I have resorted to keeping snacks at my desk to munch on. I've also been really tired. Most nights I'm sleeping by 10pm and yesterday I actually took a 10 minute nap at my desk - crazy!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Barnacle Vase
I am loving this vase and it would be mine if they shipped to the US:

It's a Canadian store called Urban Barn. I wonder if I could actually get anything to grow in it?? My green thumb is more like a brown thumb. I'd be lucky if I could grow a chia pet at this point.
It's a Canadian store called Urban Barn. I wonder if I could actually get anything to grow in it?? My green thumb is more like a brown thumb. I'd be lucky if I could grow a chia pet at this point.
Bun in the Oven
Post originally written Nov 20, 2009
Jeff and I just found out we are 3 1/2 weeks prego! I am really excited and kind of nervous. I am not good at keeping secrets especially when it involves something I am excited about. And with the holidays coming up everyone is going to wonder why I'm not drinking wine with dinner. How am I going to explain that one!!
The only adjustments so far are no more coffee and no more wine. :-( I will miss you both but it is so worth it!
According to the internet here is a picture of our little E.T. (as Jeff calls it)
Jeff and I just found out we are 3 1/2 weeks prego! I am really excited and kind of nervous. I am not good at keeping secrets especially when it involves something I am excited about. And with the holidays coming up everyone is going to wonder why I'm not drinking wine with dinner. How am I going to explain that one!!
The only adjustments so far are no more coffee and no more wine. :-( I will miss you both but it is so worth it!
According to the internet here is a picture of our little E.T. (as Jeff calls it)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
My Craigslist Find
I think it's been about 4 years since we decided to tear out the coat closet in the foyer to make more room for guests entering the house. So for 4 years now we have been throwing coats on the end of the couch in the living room while I searched everywhere I could think of for a solution that fit our needs and our style. Last Friday, while searching CraigsList for something else I came across a great coat tree and immediately contacted the seller who said the piece was still available and he would hold it for me. WooHoo! It's made of a dark, really solid wood that matches the furniture in the living room perfectly. I love that it has a little bit of character. Here it is, my CraigsList find for $50:

Here was the foyer before (with the coat closet). The space was so tiny it was difficult to get a good picture:


And After:

Here was the foyer before (with the coat closet). The space was so tiny it was difficult to get a good picture:
And After:
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Beauty is In the Eye of the Beholder
That is a great quote - or so I thought before my neighbor moved in next door and decided to kill every blade of grass with round up and "re-decorate" his front yard like this:

He actually planted the ground covering plant that has taken over at the edge of the street.

The crazy thing is he actually spends A LOT of time getting it to look like this. It's his masterpiece. There has to be a limit to the amount of wire fencing one person is allowed to buy.

Notice the randomly placed "heart garden" with the tulips, butterfly lights, and cherubs. The gravel square is new - I'm really not sure what that is all about:
He actually planted the ground covering plant that has taken over at the edge of the street.
The crazy thing is he actually spends A LOT of time getting it to look like this. It's his masterpiece. There has to be a limit to the amount of wire fencing one person is allowed to buy.
Notice the randomly placed "heart garden" with the tulips, butterfly lights, and cherubs. The gravel square is new - I'm really not sure what that is all about:
Refreshing the Curb Appeal
A while back I posted a picture of the front of our house when the azalea's where in full bloom. They were beautiful, but only when they bloomed. Every other day of the year they were a mess. I tried to cut them back and restore them to good health but they were too big and overgrown for too many years before I got to them. J and I decided to take them out and plant box woods instead. They are much easier to maintain and leaves and debris wont get stuck in them like the azaleas (seriously, you wouldn't believe the stuff I found in them). So after we made the decision to remove them and plant box woods we decided to mulch all the flower beds, widen the side bed, and have hasta and day lilies replanted from another bed in the yard. The transformation is below. You can find the original post here. Stay tuned for the "after" pics!

Here is the side flower bed that we made bigger:

Azalea's are GONE!:
Here is the side flower bed that we made bigger:
Azalea's are GONE!: